May 2017
Aries – (March 20 – April 18) May is a decidedly frisky season for you, Aries. With Venus in your sign ALL month and Uranus having been in Aries for oh so long –this is your opportunity for fun. Make this one a no-holds-barred month to remember. Entertain the goddess Venus in style by taking her to the beach or for long walks in nature. And, she loves good food, too. Money comes easy too; it’s your time enjoy life!
Taurus– (April 19 – May 19) Dare you take a risk, Taurus? How about asking that guy or gal out – you know, just casual. . . The full moon of May 10thhighlights your relationship sector, so, it may just be time to let your guard down. It’s not only about love (and intimacy); it’s about feeling free to trust again and surrender to allowing the richness of life. May is your month, Taurus, and you know how to play it better than anyone.
Gemini– (May 20 – June 19) Ooh, Mars in your sign now is hot, hot. And, if not careful, you’ll find yourself running around on an endless wheel of errands. The Gemini new moon of May 25th also delivers some sound advice regarding remaining grounded. If moving too quickly you may become accident prone, especially around the 28thwhen Mars opposes Saturn. Easy does it, and less is more for this time around.
Cancer– (June 20 – July 21) If you steer clear of obligations, this can be a serene time period for you, Cancer. Here’s the only tricky part; hidden innuendos, silent guilt trips, and a to-do list that grows longer every day. Just say NO because there is something new entering your life now. It’s a warm, fuzzy feeling that things are coming together. Your destiny is finally meeting up with your desire. Don’t let anything stop you.
Leo– (July 22 – August 21) Here is the secret formula for Leo’s to get the best out of life. Just like in the song ‘the Age of Aquarius’ – Jupiter and Mars have your back now. Mars activates your social and community relationship sector – these are your birds of a feather, and they are bearing gifts. Plus, Jupiter is also in showing that your gains come through casual conversations. So, talk to lots of people this month, and watch the magic grow.
Virgo– (August 22 – September 21) It’s a day to celebrate on May 3rdwhen Mercury, your ruling planet, stations direct! Less frustration and more clarity is promised for the month. And, the sun in Taurus is compatible with your earth sign, Virgo. What helps you the most this month, however, is leverage. This comes in the form of finding others to assist you. It takes a team to accomplish great projects, so don’t hesitate to ask for help.
Libra– (September 22 – October 21) You’ve been busy dealing with some cold, hard facts, and now it’s time to enjoy the fruits of the season. Venus, your ruling planet is now traveling through your relationship sector. And, the Sun is enjoying his time in Taurus, the other sign ruled by Venus. So, there is a deep connection available to you now, Libra. Allow this feeling of comfort to nurture your soul; life just got a lot easier for you.
Scorpio – (October 22 – November 20) May is a season of luxuriousness, but you, Scorpio, need to not get caught up in relaxation mode. Even though you’re feeling like it’s time for an extended vacation, the stars are calling for your diligence. Pay attention to systems and don’t get caught up in demanding perfection from yourself or others. Stay productive, and pay attention to your health now, also. Dig deep – you’re almost there.
Sagittarius– (November 21– December 19) This is a month of revelations for you, Sag. The Scorpio full moon on May 10thilluminates your 12thhouse – your inner world. Pay attention to messages that come in dreams; your intuition is absolutely right on now. With Venus in your 5thhouse of creativity, and Mars in your 6thhouse of productivity, it’s a great time to begin a new project. This is a soulful season – let yours sing.
Capricorn– (December 20 – January 18) Both Pluto and Saturn are working on your sign, but guess what – you can handle it, Capricorn. Keep finding delight in the things that bring you joy because you are a beacon of Light and we all need your sense of humor. And May brings you many reasons to share your good will and spirits. Long, deep conversations are important now; they bring you joy, and critical information is shared.
Aquarius – (January 19 – February 17) This can be a great month for your income stream. If looking for work, I fully expect you to find a job; and if you’re all set with employment, perhaps a raise is coming your way. May delivers circumstances that align your money with your deepest soul work. Embrace this unity. You’re hardwired to share with others, so also share the feelings of satisfaction that are yours now.
Pisces – (February 18 – March 19) You are rising to a new level of freedom and authenticity, Pisces. Things that used to be so important are slowly fading away, and making room for new interests and you even find you are developing new friendships. The full moon of May 10thbrings even more shifts in what is important to you now. Yours is a mutable sign, and this season is one of changing priorities.
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