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That Tapping Thing: Ten Insights About EFT & It’s Many Benefits

You’ve seen it before, men and women tapping the top of their heads, sides of their eyes, collarbones and hands as they spout off various emotions. They look and sound silly. You wonder, does that tapping thing really work?

Dr. Joseph Mercola of, the #1 natural website on the web, says “EFT is a form of psychological acupressure… but without the invasiveness of needles. Instead, simple tapping with the fingertips is used to input kinetic energy onto specific meridians on the head and chest while you think about your specific problem - whether it is a traumatic event, an addiction, pain, etc. -- and voice positive affirmations.”

Now that EFT tapping is becoming more mainstream, let’s clear up the confusion about this healing modality and answer some of the biggest questions around EFT.

What does EFT stand for?EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique is a process developed by Gary Craig based off from ancient Chinese medicine’s acupuncture process. It’s purpose is to rid the body of stuck emotional energy.

How does it work? The combination of tapping the meridians as you voice positive affirmations short-circuits emotional blocks thus restoring the balance essential for optimal health and well being.

What are some of the benefits? Lower blood pressure and heart rates, lower anxiety, relieve depression, increase dopamine levels, eliminate cravings and addictions, release fears, improve concentration and confidence and releasing mental blocks are just some of the many experiences had by users of this modality.

Why should I care about emotional blocks? The premise is that if you can make peace with unresolved emotional issues the more clarity and freedom you will experience in your life for improved decision making, enjoyment and fulfillment.

What area do I tap on?While there are varying styles of tapping as designed by different practitioners, the basic tapping points remain the same. The karate chop (side of hand, top of head, eyebrow, side of eye, under eye, under the nose, between the mouth and chin, under the collarbone and various ribcage points are all used in succession.

What do I say and how long do I tap? The point of using EFT is to release emotions built up in the body’s energetic system. First you speak to the negative emotion using the naming what you’re feeling “All of this anger and rage”. When you feel that the emotion has alleviated you move to speaking to that lesser level of pain, “I’m feeling relief. Feeling lighter. Feeling less pressure.” As this level of emotion dissipates move into tapping in better emotions “I am loving the lesson in all of this. This isn’t so awful. I feel strong and capable to handle this.” The key is in speaking to the emotions you’re feeling and being willing to experience them at least for a few minutes. Tap for 5-7 seconds at each point and tap through the rounds as needed until you feel the release of the emotion.

Does it matter which side I tap on or with which hand? Use whichever hand and whichever side of your body is most comfortable.

How do I know when to stop tapping?Your body and mind will indicate when it’s finished with a subject. You’ll test yourself by asking “One to ten, how angry am I still?” If the number your mind answers with is down below a three then you probably no longer have an emotional charge about the issue. If you’re still a four through 10 then there is work to do.

I often yawn while I tap, is that normal?Relieving your body of energy comes in many forms, you may yawn, giggle, hiccup, cough, or more. All of these are signs indicating that energy is moving through and out of you. It means what you’re doing is working.

Is it safe for me to tap alone? EFT/tapping is a safe practice for relieving emotional pain. As quickly as you recognize that you are experiencing negative emotions you can start the process of “Letting go” of them. When you have large traumatic events to deal with find a practitioner whose style you like. Their expertise will help guide you through the more difficult areas and get you to a deeper state of healing.


Tam Veilleux, is a Transformational Success Coach using EFT, NLP and other energetic therapies to move clients from confusion and low self-esteem into clarity and confidence. For your free Next Step Strategy Session call 207-592-0377 or visit her website for a free mini-course about the mind/body connection:


The HeartGlow Center

The HeartGlow Center is a 501c3 nonprofit public charity dedicated to conscious living and honoring the sacred Light which shines within us all. We provide holistic education, spiritual renewal, practical resources, and support to assist you in living your best life.


Our numerous programs focus on individual and family health and wellbeing, as well as recognition and support for family caregivers and those affected by chronic illness or disability.


Phone: 207-776-4811

Registered Charity: 

Federal EIN 45-4991077



Our inspiration, Raegan Aria, with her dad, Mark.

Photo by Carl D. Walsh

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